

(1.6.07...first visit with Marcus Cole Mealing!)

Friday, 5.16.08

Please excuse any breaks or disconnected bits in my writing (and the weird spacing that I can't seem to fix)! I've written this throughout the day...after visiting @ 3:30pm, 5:30pm, and 8:30pm. I've tried to amend rather than start over. I'll do it differently next time.

On the medical side of things...(information from Thursday & Friday)

  • Thursday...they switched the O2 nose-tube-thing to an oxygen mask; Friday evening...they changed the type of mask - it's an upgrade essentially. She breathes with her mouth open and this [mask] helps her O2 saturation. She tolerated it [the mask] until today (Friday) - when she began trying to pull it off...something Granddaddy and I both predicted. So that she can't remove it...her right arm is in a soft restraint. Incidentally, she's now getting as much oxygen as she can without being on a vent...

  • She is being given whole blood and platelets - and tolerating the infusion well. She's taking lasix, morphine, and is not eating. The goal of the blood products is to increase her hemoglobin level - increase her INR (which allows/helps her blood to clot properly), and get all of the coumadin out of her system (which thins her blood).

  • During the night Thursday...they discovered blood in her belly & stool. She was listed as critical and the blood was drawn out through a tube.

  • They did another CT scan today (Friday)...the scan showed no change (as of 9pm this evening). They are continuing to give her blood (even with the GI bleed) - b/c until her hemoglobin & INR are up - they cannot do the necessary tests to learn more about & treat the bleed in her brain, and the aneurysm.

  • At 6pm, I was told Grandmama is clotting more efficiently...b/c she is not bleeding as much around her PIC line and central line (the central line was inserted yesterday). At 9pm...I was told that if she is stable through the night at her current levels, they will do the angiogram in the morning.

Less about the medicine...

  • She sleeps much of the time and her awareness varies. Awareness, in this case, is the best word...as she's not usually coherent...or lucid. Most of the time, she does not make eye contact and is not able to answer questions. She recognized Dad yesterday, but not today. Then too...she thanked Dad & Mike for visiting today and told them to be sure and come back. Dad said it wasn't clear if she knew who they were or not... She did know Brenda this evening and used her name when she was in the room...she's called for different people at different times... Selfishly, it helped my heart a little to know she had asked for me at some point in the day.

  • She does not like her arm being restrained...and during my time with her today...she said "help me"...and "help me get up" many times. She gets very agitated and it takes a good bit of time (according to the nurse) to calm her...I can't imagine what this is like for her.

  • I can't explain well beyond what I have... There is no middle ground for me (personally) right now. I'm either able to dole out facts and information evenly...or I'm crying. It's difficult for all of us - and I'm sure for those of you in Alabama...know that we're thinking about you. She's in good place though and I don't think they could be doing a better job of looking after her.

In other news...

Granddaddy went to the optometrist today (he's been having trouble with his left eye) - and learned there is some swelling behind it. The doctor thinks the swelling may be due to blockage in his carotid artery. Granddaddy now has an appointment with an ophthalmologist to further assess the swelling... If the ophthalmologist agrees with the first opinion, the next step will be to see his cardiologist. He's had a procedure on this same artery in the past.

Dad is in the air...on his way back to Phoenix. He made it to Atlanta safely...

I'll do my best to keep everyone updated...this is the most efficient way for me to do it as it is accessible to those without e-mail accounts. Alabama family members - feel free to pass this blog-address on to anyone who's interested!

Love to all.

1 comment:

elisa said...

Still praying...hope this weekend frees you up to spend more time focusing on your family...Thanks for updating...I'm sure it's invaluable to your family who can't be there