

Grandmama requested that I shear (I don't love the word s-h-a-v-e) her legs this past weekend... I decided to make an afternoon of it and called Kimmey so we could have a Girls' Day :). She (Grandmama) was chipper and super talkative; we had a grand time complete with manicure, leg shaving (ack), and a facial! We turned off the tele and played country music (courtesy of the "Country Music I can Stand" folder on my iPod)...which was the closest to Grand Ol' Opry I could get for her. I added some pictures from our afternoon to her Picasa album...which, for the sake of information, she granted me permission to take. In fact, she wanted me to take a picture of her smooth & shiny gams. Kimmey and I completely adored the whole thing...and were/are thankful for the sweet time we were able to spend with her. We (Kimmey & I) were also able to spend some time together...which was simply lovely as well.

She (Grandmama) is doing okay, by the way. Fair, I'd say. Here's a bit of post-pampering video. It shows up a bit...off-center, but it works. You can also go here to see it and other clips.

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