

As previously posted the title of this blog was born here...

Had I second blog, I would now have a title for it as well :).

While at work today, I was muttering to the screen of my computer... One of my coworkers was in my area mid-mutter and asked if I was talking to her or to myself... A second coworker, and incidentally the same who inspired the name for this blog, said rather than talking to myself...I must be talking to the giant, invisible, pink elephant in my office...

...my response was that if I had an invisible elephant, it wouldn't be pink. Thus, I would name my blog:

If I Had an Invisible Elephant, it Wouldn't be Pink.


Happy as an...anemone.

Love this picture of Grandmama and some of the ladies from Rose's (a store somewhere between Wal-mart and a department store - conceptually, not physically); not sure what year it was taken.

So guess who left the nursing home...and went HOME today? Correct! Though...she's the only person I've been talking about in a nursing home...so... At any rate, Ms. Betty is indeed back at home and happy as a clam.

Aside: "Happy as a clam" just rolled out of my brain, but as I wrote it...I realized I have no idea what it means. Where did this come from and how do you know a clam is happy? Are the curves of their shells constant and natural smiles? I looked it up and prefer this Brit's take.

Back to Betty. She's at home and, per usual upon release from hospital, she'll receive care from a home health nurse & physical therapist. There may be additional arrangements/care; I'm not sure. She is in...fair condition. I'm happy for her that she is in her own home, her own chair, her own bed, surrounded by her own things, and with her husband. Sadly, I don't think she'll be home for long; I don't believe she will remain well enough...and I don't think we can provide the level of care she needs. ...Not on a daily...or hourly basis. ...And not while maintaining our jobs, etc... She's there for now :).


These three things...

With Little Bruce...Memorial Day 2007

First, Grandmama. Things have been fairly quiet for her lately which is generally a good thing. The week before last was a pretty good week and I would term last week a mediocre one. She's been dealing with a UTI and a bit of a cough, but is hangin' in well with her PT. She has a weekend nurse, Lakish, (a bit of a warrior - I LOVE her) who has been vigilant in treating Grandmama's infection. Just nice to have a fresh set of eyes looking at the problem... Also, Grandmama had her PEG removed Friday. She's still sore, but happy to have it out. We'll see how therapy goes this week. Outside of just wanting to go home, her main complaint is the food...which does seem to have dropped off in quality for some reason. Yesterday, she had the "terriblist" banana pudding she'd ever had :).

Numero dos... The Weight Loss Challenge!!! Upon the weigh in this Saturday, we are all losers again (cue Beck song, "Loser"...). WOO-HOO!!! The numbers (for this week only)...

Team Mealing
Brenda.... minus 2 (pounds)
Max... - minus 3

Team Meigs
Teresa... minus 4
Mike... minus 3

Team Roseland
Kimmey... minus 3
Daryl... minus 3
Amanda... minus 5

And finally... Football season is merely DAYS away now...ROLL TIDE ROLL!!! I can taste it and couldn't be more excited. Our season opener is against Clemson (reminder: I live in South Carolina)...and will be played in the GA Dome @ 7pm CST.

Let's go BAMA, clap clap...clapclap!!!



Not our best photo...I'll have to deframe and scan my favorites!

I have had this on my mind for a few weeks now and I'm excited to be getting around to it :). I'll count it as my second Request & Dedication (minus "Request" since it's not applicable - I have yet to come up with a clever name).

In 1995...through colorguard at Bama...I met Patricia. I remember one of our first conversations sitting out on the field...we'll say - near the 20 yard line - and just talking; fiddling with the grass. At the time...it (the conversation) was about a boy. I'm sure it often was.

She was a constant in my Tuscaloosa experience...and someone whom I learned so much from. Much of it came to light later for me, but it did eventually come. Though a student of social work, I think it's fair/honest to say...that I majored in colorguard. Most of my memories certainly include her...we traveled together, practiced and performed together, drove through looking at Christmas lights (woo-hoo!), attended and hosted parties, shared holidays & music...and laughed. Her family welcomed me into their home for a lovely Christmas (?) one year; her mother gifted me baby muffin pans - which I still have a crush on :). Baby muffins...what's not to adore? ...And each time I returned to Tuscaloosa before the dorms re-opened from the holidays (typically to prepare for a bowl game peformance), she allowed me a place to crash.

I helped her move to Jacksonville, FL...and was honored to be a part of her wedding. We drifted apart during what I unaffectionately term the "year from hell' in Charlotte. I'm quite sure the drifting was mine to claim, as I was remarkably unhappy. However...a bright and very special event during that time...was an unexpected gift from a thoughtful, generous, and expecting-nothing-in-return Patricia. There was a necklace of hers which I had admired for YEARS. Patricia sent it to me while living in Charlotte...to help me through that time. It reached my heart in a way - and through a path - which I certain was closed for extended renovations. To this day, it (the necklace) is one of my most prized positions and also remains one of the best unexpected gifts I've received. I'm certain that people come in and out of our lives - leaving their distinctive impression - for specific reasons/periods of time. To that end, she educated me as only she could...and was someone I looked up to (and still do) in terms of ambition, discipline, and continued growth.

I've missed her...and we've written a bit recently. I am hopeful...and prayerful...in our rekindling...and hope to fill the place in my heart earned & reserved specifically for this special friendship.

Rather than a song...I am dedicating a (1) a favorite video of ours, and (2) a favorite commerical. Hope you love them, Pattywak!




We all weighed in Sunday...and each lost weight!

However...between Monday and yesterday (Sunday)...there were 4 sets of scales involved. The numbers were inconsistent, and though all numbers reflect that we all lost...we've decided (as a group) to to use yesterday's numbers as our new starting point. We're also using one set of scales...which were purchased Friday. Same set for each person, for each weigh in.

Additionally...there are 2 amendments to the Terms & Conditions.

a) Each member, except when ill, is allowed one "free pass". One week...where they may choose not to weigh, and not be penalized.

b) Any other forfeit of weigh-in (team member is in good health and not using free pass) - results in automatic $5.00 pot-payment.

So...here we go with week # 1...which is August 17th-August 23rd!

The pot currently (theoretically...since we don't have an actual "pot" yet) $175.00.



77 Years Young...

Yesterday, August 12th, was Granddaddy's 77th birthday!
Happy Birthday, Elliott!!

Brenda & Max treated Grandmama & Granddaddy both to a lovely [birthday] shrimp dinner from Rhineharts; YUM! (...we couldn't remember the last time Grandmama had shrimp!) They enjoyed it so much and ate in the comfort of Grandmama's room @ NHC.

Between the homecooked meals from Brenda over the weeks
(black-eyed peas + cornbread!),
the super tasty chicken & ribs from Mike & Teresa on Sunday
(and various other plates a-la M&T over the weeks),
a steak dinner from Kimmey & me Monday night,
and Rhineharts last night...I'd say Granddaddy has had some pleasant breaks in his recently adopted diet of sandwiches + canned beans and Vienna sausage (ick).

Grandmama in one of her new "workout" outfits...

The birthday boy! (...ever the smiler.)
Granddaddy & Brenda



Terms & Conditions

Meigs/Mealing/Roseland Weight Loss Challenge!!!
As agreed on by all members, August 11th, 2008.

♦ Official Challenge Dates:
Start date - 8/11/08
End date - 12/15/08

♦ Only Challenge members will know each other’s weights.

♦ We wish ALL members success.
This is, afterall, a contest.
Trash talk is welcome & expected.

I. Each member will put $25.00 in the pot;
you can make payments if necessary :).

II. Members will weigh in each Sunday; one member of
ANOTHER team must be present to confirm weight.

III. If any member gains [any amount of weight] during the week,
they must put an additional $5.00 in the pot (flat fee for weight gain).

IV. Team with the highest percentage of
weight lost…wins the challenge!
The pot will be split evenly amongst the winning team.

Slight change up in the teams!!!

Team Mealing
Max & Brenda

♦ Team Meigs♦
Teresa & Mike

Team Roseland (Rose + Strickland)♦
Amanda, Kimmey, & Daryl

Here we go Team Rose, here we go *clap* clap*!!

The gist...

My aunt & uncle (Brenda & Max)...stated Saturday that they would begin Weight Watchers today (Monday...the 11th); I said, "cool....I'll do it as well".

Sunday...Brenda called and said "it's on". Another aunt & uncle (Teresa & Mike) would begin their efforts to lose weight as well...hence, a competition/weight-loss challenge was born.
(Cue dramatic music.)

...So it would be the Meigs versus the Mealings.

At this point my cousin, Kimmey, and I formed a
third team...the Roses (we share our middle name).

So...now...it's really on.
We weigh in tonight and lay out the terms of the competition.
I'm excited and plan to blog our progress :).
I'll share pounds lost each week...or every two weeks...whatever we decide this evening.

Hope everyone has a great first day (!)...trash talk to begin
once terms of challenge have been negotiated.
Until then...the players are below...

Team Mealing (Max & Brenda)

Team Meigs (Teresa, Mike, and Daryl)

TEAM ROSE!!! (Amanda & Kimmey)


Pineapple, pineapple, pineapple.

A month or so ago...I was flipping through the channels and stopped on QVC because I was fascinated by a demo they were doing - which featured a pineapple slicer. I showed the video to several people...my supervisor, Lisa, being one of them. She was also intrigued, so we ordered the gadget via QVC's website. You can watch the video that convinced me to buy it here; you can also drag the marker dealio and skip the intro.

I've been dying to try it out and was stoked that the coworker - whose name I had drawn in our drawing-of-names-for-birthday-treats - had requested fruit for his birthday. Alas (!), an occasion to use the slicer!

I am giddy to report that it works exactly as advertised, and think my red cutting board provides a particularly lovely contrast. Lisa did the honors...check it out...

In an unrelated story... I had a solo (singing) once in our Christmas choral performance at school (we were living in Mississippi at the time). We sang I song called "I Want", and the lyric I was meant to sing by myself was..."I want a camera". I was terrified and barely whispered the words into the mic during the performance. My step-mother at the time told me after the performance...that I might as well have sung "pineapple, pineapple, pineapple"...no one would have known the difference. I thought of that when trying to come up with a title for this post. Put me on a field (with a flag to spin) in front of thousands & thousands of people - I'm okay (ROLL TIDE!). Put me on a stage in front of 200 people and ask me to speak or sing - I shut down. Go figure.



Grandmama requested that I shear (I don't love the word s-h-a-v-e) her legs this past weekend... I decided to make an afternoon of it and called Kimmey so we could have a Girls' Day :). She (Grandmama) was chipper and super talkative; we had a grand time complete with manicure, leg shaving (ack), and a facial! We turned off the tele and played country music (courtesy of the "Country Music I can Stand" folder on my iPod)...which was the closest to Grand Ol' Opry I could get for her. I added some pictures from our afternoon to her Picasa album...which, for the sake of information, she granted me permission to take. In fact, she wanted me to take a picture of her smooth & shiny gams. Kimmey and I completely adored the whole thing...and were/are thankful for the sweet time we were able to spend with her. We (Kimmey & I) were also able to spend some time together...which was simply lovely as well.

She (Grandmama) is doing okay, by the way. Fair, I'd say. Here's a bit of post-pampering video. It shows up a bit...off-center, but it works. You can also go here to see it and other clips.


Chronological Disorder

Grandmama is going to have her PEG out...

...No...wait. She's going to the emergency room with chest pains.

She's been admitted to the hospital.

She's better.

...Nevermind...she's not.

She has improved and is moving back to Select Specialty Hospital...

No, wait. Not better...staying at University Hospital.

Going to Select.

Nevermind. Going to NHC (nursing home). Keeping PEG.

WTH?! My head is spinning...and is also exhausted.
She doesn't know where she is half the time...who can blame her?!
...And Granddaddy... He hasn't quite lost his marbles...but they are rolling all over the floor. He's doing his best to stoop down...scrape & collect them in his arthritic arms.

Let me break this down...just for fun.

March 19th-28...admitted to and stayed @ Trinity Hospital.

March 28th...home...and also her birthday!!!

April 8th...EMT to house.

April 12th-28th...admitted to University Hospital; home on the 28th.

May 7th-May 28th...admitted to University Hospital.

May 29th...moved to Select Specialty Hospital.

May 29th-July 1st...stayed @ Select.

July 2nd...moved to NHC (nursing home).

June 2nd-July 28th...stayed @ NHC.

July 28th...to e.r. with chest pains...admitted.

July 28th-July 3st...in University Hospital.

August 1st...back to NHC.


Love, love, love her.